TEAM abana

Since 2014, Team Abana has been on a mission to support vulnerable children across Africa through exhilarating cycling challenges.

Supporting children

Since 2014, Team Abana has been on a mission to support vulnerable children across Africa through exhilarating cycling challenges.

Campaign target:


Total double amount raised:


  • Progress: 68% 68%

Their goal is to raise £600,000 to help children in the most vulnerable situations in Africa, including street children, children with disabilities, those affected by conflict, and those behind bars.

In June 2016, they embarked on their first ride, racing across America from California to Maryland in just 7 days, 16 hours, and 9 minutes. This incredible journey raised £196,267 for Chance for Childhood, contributing to the construction of a new school for deaf children in northern Rwanda and establishing the Challenge Fund to support early-stage ventures focused on child welfare.

What’s next

Over the past five years, they have completed two more remarkable challenges: cycling 5,500 km across Australia from Perth to Sydney and from Lands End to John O’Groats in the UK. They have raised an inspiring £408,311, directly impacting the lives of thousands of children in vulnerable situations.

Their next challenge in 2025 is to cycle across Europe. With your support, they can continue their mission of improving the lives of children in vulnerable situations.

Steve and I have crewed Team Abana on some epic rides raising funds for Chance for Childhood.  We were privileged to be invited to the launch of the new strategy which we are so excited about and as a result decided it was time that we got on our bicycles to help Chance for Childhood achieve its new targets. We may be mad but we like a challenge!

Michael Lynch Bell – Chance for Childhood Ambassador

Their impact

Team Abana have raised critical funds to support children with disabilities by building the deaf school in Rwanda. Read Fidel and Ali’s story above to see the power of their impact.

Thank you!

They also went on to prevent children experiencing disabilities from being institutionalised. Orphanages are extremely harmful for children and have long lasting impacts on their health and wellbeing and ultimately denies them their right to grow up in a loving, protective family environment.

Many families still believe that their children would be better off in an institution, incorrectly associating orphanages as a route out of poverty, a way to get a better education for their children or a way to avoid the stigma of living with a child with disabilities. See the video below on how they have supported our work in partnership with Unicef.

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Thank you Michael and Steve and your generous supporters!

Together we can make sure that children with disabilities can live safe, happy childhoods and fulfil their potential like any other child in their community.

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